The Third Screen
For Dialogic Research and Representation: Strangers listening to each other as beginning.
Informed by decoloniality, working-class oral history, and popular education, this immersive installation serves as a call to action for a more dialogic approach to art and knowledge-making.
Through the lens of participatory art practice, this three-screen video installation challenges the traditional power dynamics in art and research by encouraging academics and artists to actively question the extent to which the people they collaborate with are actually included in the interpretation of their own experiences.
This work was unveiled to the general public in December 2021 as part of the Master of Arts in Fine Arts thesis component. The exhibition was hosted by the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling and the Acts of Listening Lab.
It then went on to be screened as part of “Bearing Witness” at UnionDocs in Brooklyn NYC in March 2022. This night of cinema and conversation, curated by Amanda Gutiérrez also featured the powerful short works of artists and filmmakers Hadley Austin, Adela Goldbard, and Javier Toscano.
Most recently, the three-screen video installation was presented in "Listening Pasts, Listening Futures" at the Atlantic Centre for the Arts, as part of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, in Florida, USA.
Without Azzouz, Joanna, Kevin and Sheida's expertise, generosity, openness and trust, this work would not have been possible.
Thank you to Alana DeVito, Josue Moncada and Roby Provost-Blanchard for their precious technical support.
Thank you to Dr. Luis Sotelo Castro, Canada's Research Chair in Oral History Performance for your financial support in the production of this work.
Thank you to Dr. Vivek Venkatesh at Project Someone, UNESCO co-Chair in Prevention of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism for your financial support in the dissemination of this work.